Acupuncture - Starting at $120 First Visit, $100 Return Visit

Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on the belief that the body contains a vital life energy called Qi., which runs along pathways within the body. Imbalances in the flow of Qi are thought to cause illness. These life-energy pathways are called meridians and are accessible at different locations or points on the body. Practitioners of acupuncture rebalance your energy flow by inserting extremely fine needles into these points in various combinations. This allows your body's natural healing mechanisms to take over. The acupuncturist uses a series of questions, along with pulse and tongue diagnosis to detect imbalances and provide a holistic healing approach. During the treatment, the practitioner uses sterile individually wrapped stainless steel needles that are fine as a human hair. These needles are used only once and then thrown away.

Acupressure is an alternative to acupuncture, using the same theories, diagnosis, and acupuncture points. However, alternatives such as massage or pressing are used to stimulate the points.

Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation - $130

Cosmetic Acupuncture is a form of treatment that uses tiny needles on the face and body to enhance and renew your looks. Based upon the same principles of Oriental Medicine that allow acupuncture to treat a variety of pain and internal conditions, Cosmetic Acupuncture can provide a pain-free and natural way to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and support a healthy complexion. Cosmetic Acupuncture is a form of treatment that uses tiny needles on the face and body to enhance and renew your looks. Based upon the same principles of Oriental Medicine that allow acupuncture to treat a variety of pain and internal conditions, Cosmetic Acupuncture can provide a pain-free and natural way to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and support a healthy complexion.

Frequently Asked Questions About Acupuncture

What is Acupuncture?
Tiny sterile disposable needles are placed in specific points to cause change in the body. These point locations and what they effect are designated by Chinese Medicine theory.
What is Chinese Medicine?
Developed over 3,000 years ago, Chinese Medicine theory explains how our bodies work and how to overcome disease and pain using modalities such as acupuncture, massage, cupping, moxibustion, herbal medicine, and more.
What is Qi?
As the life source energy that circulates through the body, Chinese Medicine looks at all symptoms as disruption in this energy flow of Qi. Keeping the Qi flowing smoothly and balanced in the body resolves and prevents illness and pain.
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
In general, acupuncture is not painful. Some people feel a small poke as the needles go in and others don't feel anything, but most find it very relaxing. The needles are very tiny, only about the diameter of a thick human hair, and are solid unlike hollow hypodermic needles used for blood draws or shots.
How Long Will It Take To Get Results?
Everyone responds differently to treatment, and the number of visits needed varies on the severity and how long the issue has been going on. Typically, consistent treatments 1-2 times per week are needed at the beginning of treatment and then spread out until just one time per month is needed for maintenance and prevention.
Is Acupuncture Safe?
When done by a properly trained and licensed acupuncturist, it is very safe and there are very few side effects. At Zara Clinic our practitioners have very extensive training and experience, and our policies and procedures help ensure a clean environment and a safe treatment.
What Can Acupuncture Treat?
While it can treat many symptoms, some of the most common are pain relief, improving sleep, increasing fertility, improving digestion, and hormone balancing.